The Coffee Can Group
The Coffee Can Group
What We Do
Non-Profit Group
How it Works
How We Grow Your Investment
Where Do We Invest?
Why Do We Work In Honduras?
Who Are Our Investors?
Types of Investments
Coffee Can Connections
Make a Coffee Can Investment
Gift - Shared-Equity Grants up to $200
Loan - Shared-Equity Partnership Loans With Interest Up to $15,000
Current Investment Opportunities
Tilapia Farm in Villa Soleada Village
Ice Cream Shop in Villa Soleada Village
Pizza Bakery in Villa Soleada Village
Dental Assistant Training Academy
Peanut Candy Production & Sales
Individuals and groups
who seek ways to improve the lives and fortunes of others
College and university faculty and students
who seek personal and/or academic engagement with social lending and investing.
Elementary and high teachers and students
who search for ways to experience and study the dynamics of enterprise and development of personal capital.
Develop a Coffee Can Connection
The Coffee Can Group
What We Do
Non-Profit Group
How it Works
How We Grow Your Investment
Where Do We Invest?
Why Do We Work In Honduras?
Who Are Our Investors?
Types of Investments
Coffee Can Connections
Make a Coffee Can Investment
Gift - Shared-Equity Grants up to $200
Loan - Shared-Equity Partnership Loans With Interest Up to $15,000
Current Investment Opportunities
Tilapia Farm in Villa Soleada Village
Ice Cream Shop in Villa Soleada Village
Pizza Bakery in Villa Soleada Village
Dental Assistant Training Academy
Peanut Candy Production & Sales